Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Toucheng Farm's water buffalo calf

Good news! Good news! We have a new arrival, at Toucheng Farm!

Our mother water buffalo gave birth to a healthy, normal, 50 kilos male calf this month! Amazing!
Wikipedia claims that a female water buffalo produces calf every other year after gestation of 9 - 11 months. But she gives birth every year! Its just to tell you that our water buffaloes are well fed, well-bred, healthy and fertile!

In Asia and here in Taiwan, water buffaloes are a farmer's best friend and helper.

They are used as draft, meat and source of dairy products. All domesticated buffaloes has only one common ancestor - the wild water buffalo.

Look at this photo, of "mother and son" together as they walk around the barn.

Just a few information:
They are a source of the favorite mozzarella cheese.
95% of the world's water buffalo's population lives in Asia.
Legend says: that Lao Tze, a Chinese philosopher (sage) left China riding a water buffalo passing through the Han Gu Pass.
Come to Toucheng Farm to get a closer glimpse of this rare attraction!
Visit our website: for more more information.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Toucheng Farm - A special place to stay!

Guests at Toucheng Farm, has so many choices to spend a day or a week.

Take a look at our Hot News for more information.

Besides the Farm tour, one can visit the beach, the nearby harbor or the newly opened Lanyang Museum.
For those who chose to explore the night market or experience a cold or steam spring bath, we can arrange the trip for you.

A visit to the nearby Turtle Island or watch the school of dolphins along the Pacific Ocean.
This special ferry will transport you to the Turtle Island.

The beaches around the Farm have so many exciting sports to offer: Paragliding, surfing, swimming, jet skiing, snorkeling or scuba diving.

You can plan the whole year for a special vacation and Toucheng Farm is just as ready to assist you!

What are you waiting for? call us or visit our website for more information!

The many faces of Fall

Fall is also a beautiful season. Here I have some tell....

Taiwan rain tree is native to Taiwan. Its scientific name is -Koelreuteria formosana. Formosa was the former name of Taiwan.

Now it is in full bloom , its flowers fall on the fish pond and just as beautiful to behold!

Or fall along the stones to show its yellow and red petals.

The morning glory greets every guest with its purple bloom!

So with the "purple glory flower" with its attractive colorful petals!
Or even the sun tells you, today will be a beautiful autumn day!

There are so many stories to tell at Toucheng Farm. Come and tell us your own!
Visit our website: for more information.

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