Saturday, October 15, 2011

Saturday night dance party

In accordance with the law prohibiting the flying of sky lanterns, Toucheng Leisure Farm is an obedient citizen, who always follows the law.

But that does not terminate the fun. Instead we organize a new activity.

Especially the dance-loving, fun-liking, or a just being a "wall flower" spectator, you will enjoy the Saturday night dance party at Toucheng Leisure Farm.

With out activity group members as prime movers and starters. who can resist the enticement of dancing or swaying with the rock and roll music or samba. or cha cha or waltz, you name it!

Why not spend a Saturday night at the Farm on your holiday? Rest assured of a restful sleep after the relaxing exercise. with the night owls cooing, or crickets singing then wake up with the roosters cocking, and the blue magpie kwak, kwaking!

For more information, visit our website : English


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