Friday, February 15, 2013

Chinese New Year day 6

The most important day in  the traditional Chinese Holiday is the Chinese New Year or the Spring Festival.

It is a long 15 days celebrations starting from the 1st day of Spring up to the 15th day and they call it the Lantern Festival!

There are many legends associated with the chinese festivities including the 12 animals in the chinese zodiac:
Rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.

This year 2013 is the year of the (gold) snake.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Chinese New Year day 5

This Chinese character means Spring, but pasted upside down, which indicates that spring has arrived!
This character reads "fu", which means blessings and also upside down.

Doors are decorated in red with words and couplets for the New Year!
And a must during the Chinese New Year celebrations,,,,,

Firecrackers!  much, so much of them even in the middle of the night!

During the Chinese New Year, red is very important: people wear red clothes, write poems and couplets on red papers, give children "lucky money" in red envelopes.

Red means fire-- it burns off bad luck!

Firecrackers can drive out the evil spirits!

That's how the Chinese spend the Chinese New Year!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Chinese New Year day 4

During the Lunar New Year a special emphasis is placed on symbols represented by different food or fruits.

One special traditional food is the rice cake, Nian gao or rice cake. when spoken sounds "nian Gao" means: prosperity year after year! it is especially prepared (above photo), and
fried with some flour and vegetables, like the photo below and eaten hot!
Kumquats and oranges represents wealth.
Candies sweeten the whole season!
Pineapples also represent wealth.
The new year is incomplete with the presence of the god of wealth!

If you want to understand how we celebrate Chinese New Year: it is  Mardi Gras, Christmas and July 4th celebrations in one!

Got it?

Happy Chinese New Year!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Chinese New Year day 3

Taiwan coral snake
Taiwan slug snake
Taiwan reed snake
Greater green snake

Chinese New Year 2013 is the year of the snake.
Here are some snakes found in the mountains of Taiwan and seen at Toucheng Leisure Farm.

If you are afraid of snakes, I have some for you to ponder.....
A bread snake......
and another bread snake!
An some painted snakes up on a tree!

Happy New Year of the snakes!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Chinese New Year - day 2

Lunar New Year day 2 is a special day, too!
A wood-carving activity was done by a famous wood artist, see the finish work of art!
One way to cook sweet potato is using a jar and fill it with lighted charcoal at the same
same time keep yourself warm while waiting and consuming the cooked, delicious, sweet smelling product. A wise idea, indeed!
Bamboo crane decorating is another activity of the day.
Baking pizza using the huge mud oven!

 And the most palatable pizza is cooked!

during the  second day of the Lunar New year, a married woman is supposed to go home to her mother's house. Here at Toucheng Leisure Farm, both families come together to spend the occasion,

You're welcome to spend your holidays with us!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Chinese New Year day 1

Happy Chinese New Year!
Today is the 1st day of the Lunar Calendar. It is also called the Spring Festival since it is the first day of Spring., celebrated by the Chinese worldwide whereever they live.

Toucheng Leisure Farm has a new DIY center built up the hill.
Here are the new faces of the center at a different angle.
Here the T-shirt printing is done for fun!
 And the baking activity using the huge mud oven!
Ever tasted a baked-bread with a chicken inside? Delicious!

That's how we spent the first day of the Chinese New Year, how did you?

Come and join us at Toucheng Leisure Farm!

Follow us as we spend each day of this special holiday!

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