This year is the year of the Ox, how about a trip to Toucheng Farm, and watch this animal.
They are a Farmer's best friend and helper!
This year is the year of the Ox, how about a trip to Toucheng Farm, and watch this animal.
They are a Farmer's best friend and helper!
At Toucheng Farm we use its leaves to wrap the tzongdz, and gives this traditional delicacy its special flavoring.
Toucheng Farm's passion fruit is the purple one, other varieties includes pink and blue passion fruits.
It has a unique flower structure, plastic looking, intricate and scented flowers, which requires bees or hummingbirds to pollinate.
Welcome to Toucheng Farm and enjoy the sweet and sour taste of this special fruit.
It could be a romantic site for this couple sitting near the tree overlooking the lighted fish pond.
Golden Shower Tree's (Cassia fistula) flower is five petals of equal size and shape. It's fruit is a legume with a pungent odor and has several poisonous seeds. It blooms profusely and covers the whole tree leaving no leaf left, a spectacular sight indeed!
Other parts of this tree like its fruit pulp or roots are medicinal.
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